2016年已经过半,还记得你的新年许愿吗?to do list上又有几项已经完成?新一个美国留学申请季大幕刚刚拉开,早起的鸟儿有虫吃,越往后越被动,如何抢占先机把控申请进度,这与你是否合理规划好时间是密切相关的。已将去美国留学种在心里生根发芽的小伙伴们,在着手准备申请前,你是否已经了解下面这些问题?希望下面的建议与信息汇总能够对于大家的美国留学申请有所帮助。
deadline是第一生产力! 以申请美国研究生来说,美国常见的申请截止时间为10月15日、11月1日、11月15日、11月30日、12月1日、12月15日、次年1月1日及2月1日,有些学校只有一轮,有些学校到次年5月份截止,也有个别学校采取rolling的方式。一般说来,文商科的申请会较多集中在10、11月份,而理工科相对晚些,截止日期分布在12月-2月,集中在次年1、2月份。因此,为了最大程度把握申请主动权,建议小伙伴们尽早准备,赶在申请的最前线。
这个问题的答案,相信不用赘述,大家都很清楚:主要包括文书,材料,资金等等。(文书有简历,3篇推荐信,一篇个人陈述;材料包括:雅思,GRE或GMAT, 本科成绩单,在读证明/毕业证学位证,存款证明,护照等;)
在申请美国留学的时候,其实分数,不论是GPA还是雅思GRE成绩等标化是很硬性的指标,对申请是影响较大。如果现在的你是大三下学期,那么还可以根据自己的情况,再努力提高自己的GPA。另外对于雅思和GRE等标化考试的准备也需尽早规划以确保一个有利分数,毕竟这也是提高申请竞争力,让你从众人中闪耀出来的利器。就雅思考试来说,绝大多数美国院校认可雅思成绩,一般来说,美国院校的研究生入学要求在6.5 -7分左右,相信通过认真备考,对于大家来说,这并不是个遥不可及的目标。
下面送上2017年美国US news best graduate school :工程, 教育,商科及法学四大热门专业排名以及雅思分数要求。
Ranking |
University |
IELTS Requirements Score |
1 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
7 * Institute for Data, |
2 |
Stanford University |
Please consult the school |
3 |
University of California—Berkeley |
7 |
4 |
California Institute of Technology |
Accepted, please contact school for detailed score |
5 |
Carnegie Mellon University |
College of Engineering: |
6 |
University of Michigan—Ann Arbor |
Accepted, please contact school for detailed score |
7 |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
Please consult the school |
7 |
University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign |
6.5 with a score of 6 or higher in all sub-sections |
9 |
Purdue University—West Lafayette |
6.5 |
10 |
University of Texas—Austin (Cockrell) |
Cockrell School of Engineering: 6.5 |
Ranking |
University |
IELTS Requirements Score |
1 |
Harvard University |
Harvard Business School: * MBA: 7.5 |
2 |
Stanford University |
Stanford Graduate School of Business: |
2 |
University of Chicago (Booth) |
MBA & PhD: 7, with sub scores of 7 each. |
4 |
University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) |
Warton Business School: Please consult the school. |
5 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) |
Sloan School of Management: * Ph.D. Program: 7.0 (Prefer |
5 |
Northwestern University (Kellogg) |
Kellogg School of Management: |
7 |
University of California—Berkeley (Haas) |
Haas School of Business: 7.0 |
8 |
Dartmouth College (Tuck) |
Tuck School of Business: Accepted, please contact school |
8 |
Yale University |
School of Management: *MBA: not required *MAM: 7.0 |
10 |
Columbia University |
School of Business: Accepted, please contact school for |
Ranking |
University |
IELTS Requirements Score |
1 |
Stanford University |
Please consult the school. |
2 |
Harvard University |
Graduate School of Education: Accepted, please contact |
2 |
Johns Hopkins University |
School of Education: 7 |
4 |
University of Wisconsin—Madison |
School of Education: * Educational Psychology: |
5 |
Vanderbilt University (Peabody) |
Peabody College: * Masters or |
6 |
University of Pennsylvania |
Graduate School of Education: 7.0 |
7 |
Teachers College, Columbia University |
7 |
8 |
Northwestern University |
School of Education and Social Policy: Accepted, please |
8 |
University of Washington |
College of Education: 7.0 |
10 |
University of Texas—Austin |
College of Educaiton: * Foreign |
Ranking |
University |
IELTS Requirements Score |
1 |
Yale University |
Law School: Please consult the school |
2 |
Harvard University |
Law School: Please consult the school |
2 |
Stanford University |
Law School: Please consult the school |
4 |
Columbia University |
Law School: * LL.M/ J.S.D: |
4 |
University of Chicago |
Law School: * |
6 |
New York University |
Law |
7 |
University of Pennsylvania |
Law School: 7 |
8 |
University of California—Berkeley |
Berkeley Law: * |
8 |
University of Michigan—Ann Arbor |
Law School: |
8 |
University of Virginia |
School of Law: |